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Healed People, Heal People.

Breaking Generational Cycles of Abuse & Abortion

Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story. 

Psalm 107:2

Data tells us that 1-in-3 women have experienced both the trauma of abuse and abortion.  Experience tells me there are many wounded hearts living in the secrets of trauma, shame, guilt, grief, and loss.  Secrets can keep a heart hidden and disconnected from an authentic life and relationships with others... especially with God.  Shame secrets lead women into exile, feeling God will never love or forgive them, and that they are going to hell.


Secrets have the power to negatively influence every thought, decision, relationship, and self-worth.


Statistics and studies are often skewed but a personal experience is not.  This is my story!  My life was hidden in the secrets of abortion and abuse... physical, sexual,  emotional, and spiritual. I had buried it all deep inside and nailed it shut.  My secrets turned into shame and I spent most of my life in search of love, approval, and belonging... thinking it would heal the hurt inside my wounded soul. It was a brave and vulnerable woman who shared her similar story of abortion and abuse that opened my heart to see that I was not the only one and that changed everything for me.


​Our stories have the power to heal hearts, impact lives, and change the world.


I am now living healed and free by the one who loves me more than I could ever know or understand.  It was then that He told me to go out and tell my story and bring his girls in exile back home to Him. 


I was one way, now I am completely different, and the thing that happened

 in between was Jesus.  This is why I tell my story!  



If my story or this mission speaks to your heart, please consider supporting this work. If you have any questions or would like to be involved, you can email me at the address below.  To financially support the mission, you can purchase some of our products in the store or make a donation on the links below. Your donations go to support free counseling, speaking, travel, technology, and the future Mission House.  

Thank you so much for being a part of God's plan to heal and redeem the hearts of His beloved! 

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To end the need for abortion, we must become a movement of love, redemption, and hope -- not just focused on the unborn life but on the life of the girl who ends up in a crisis pregnancy desperately needing love and support. 


I am now scheduling for those interested in hosting a private event to learn more about this mission... small or large groups -- online or in person -- in private homes or in other locations.  I will share more about my story, the journey of healing, what God called me to do, and the goals of this Mission. Come join me in support of reaching wounded hearts, impacting lives, and changing generational cycles of abuse and abortion.

Contact me at for more information. 

Terri Kelley
Certified Christian Counselor - AACC
Certified Health & Wellness Coach





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